Saturday, June 16, 2012

Check-in: Week 2

Two weeks into vacation.  So good to hear about everyone's continued training!

Skye:  We see you're learning some new tricks at Crossfit Minneapolis, and it's fun to read your comments.  That wallball/rowing WOD looks killer!  R & I have had some real "hit-or-miss" Crossfit experiences so far this summer.  Some classes are too big, coaches are too hands-off to do any real teaching, we don't agree with the programming, etc.  I guess we just prefer to program for ourselves, and we definitely prefer our small-class coaching model where everybody gets the attention they deserve! 

Robyn:  Congratulations on making some *incredible* strength gains!  At a Crossfit Austin class yesterday, I met a couple women who'd been training for several months and had not yet reached your level of strength.  I attribute your success to your consistent hard-core work ethic and athletic genes!

Phil:  Those deadlift + bench numbers are amazing, and topping your strength training off with mini-leg blasters is NO JOKE!  Those things annihilate your thighs.  I hope you're feeling recovered enough to keep pushing on your next training day.  We can't wait to hear how your training with Skye goes next week.

Ahmed:  Glad to hear from you, though it's so sad to hear that your training feels lonely.  Think of it as working on your mental toughness by getting in there and doing the needful on your own.  Meanwhile, we'd love to know more about what you're learning, how your weight training teacher is "traditional" (R&I are pretty old-school ourselves), and why in the world people are freaked out by you doing burpees + db swings, for crying out loud!

Us:  We've signed up at Crossfit Austin for the next 4 weeks, though we're not sure yet how much we'll do with the class and how much we'll just do our own programming.  The most amazing thing is that, every Tuesday, we get to take an Olympic lifting class with a 2-time Olympian!  We also really miss our friends at Atomic Athlete, where we trained last summer, so we might try to save ourselves some days to work with them.  Like I said, Austin's pretty much heaven for gym rats!

You'll notice on the right a new thing called "Links" -- This is where I've linked up a cool article I read on nutrition from a Crossfit coach somewhere in California.  It's long but easy to understand, and I think the guy does a nice job pulling together a lot of information pretty concisely.   We'll link up more fun summer reading here as we run across it. 

Meanwhile, keep up the good work everybody!  Hit us up with questions/comments ANY TIME; we're happy to help in any way we can.


  1. I have been off the workout wagon for a week visiting my younger sister. I did help get her started lifting though, but it wasn't really a work out for me. It was fun to try to channel Russell and Michele though!

    Today's workout:
    Squat: 3x5x105
    Lat Pull-Downs: 3x5x84
    Seated OH Press: 3x5x40
    30 minutes on the elliptical doing the interval program

    Happy Monday!

  2. Today's workout:
    Deadlift: 3x5x120
    Bench Press: 3x5x70 (really struggled the last round)
    DB Rows: 2x8x35 and 1x5x40
    Turkish Getups: Right side 2x25 and Left side 2x20
    Cardio: 30 minutes doing the programmed intervals on the bike at 4 and 8 resistance.

    Happy Wednesday!

  3. Sorry for being late. Here is my consecutive WOD:
    Deadlift: 3x5x205Ibs (on machine though)
    Bench press: 3x5x115
    DB Row: 3x8x45
    Conditioning 30 min outdoor run

    Squat: 3x5x190 (on smith machine though)
    Overhead press 3x5x95
    pulldown: 3x8x120
    Smith machine chin up 3x10x body weight
    Conditioning: shuttle run 40s on 1m rest for 8 rounds

    It's been busy around here for me with the short summer classes and everything. Not complaining though. I am also signing up to be a national soccer referee.
    Coach M, my teacher is very boring in a sense of he wants me to sit and watch old video tapes, the ones they used to give to the hight school kids to repel them from ever working out or exercise. Also he wants e to do high reps (up to 25) and my cardio should be at least 30min on elliptical or treadmill which I really hate. So I end doing what we did with you guys regardless of what he says and he leaves me to it too, so all is good.

  4. 6/29
    Deadlift: 3x5x205
    Bench press: 3x5x125
    Dumbbell rows: 3x5x50
    Modify chin up on smith machine 3x8xbodyweight
    Cond: 30 mintes outdoor run

    Coach M, I loved the article. Please keep more of these coming.
    I hope you enjoying your time in great Austin

  5. After two weeks off of a regular routine and only doing city walking, I finally got back into the swing of things. I did a fast walk around Lake Calhoun and then did a tabata with air squats and pushups. I did 96 air squats and 97 pushups.

    Next step is to get together with Skye at her Crossfit gym for the next two weeks. I'm needing a little more structure to stick with a routine.

  6. Today's workout:

    Squats: 3x5x125
    OH Press (switched to a standing press, not seated): 3x5x50
    Lat Pull-downs: 3x5x84
    30 minutes of intervals on the elliptical

    Happy Holiday Week! Enjoy your fourth!

  7. As I was working out this morning, I was wondering when I could rest (which is often-thought during workouts). Then I thought, "You can rest when you're dead." I am working on developing mental stamina this summer. But the thought made me smile and think of you guys. I miss my crew. :)

    See y'all back in Delhi. I'll be coming back a bit later, but don't give my spot away, ok?

  8. We did the Filthy fifty today... and it was tough. I had never done hanging knee to elbows before. My time was 33:03, with some adjustments.
    box jumps (4 25# plates + 10# plate) instead of the recommended (rx) 20"
    jumping pull ups
    kb swing rx 26#
    walking lunges
    knees to elbow (sucked this up)
    push press rx 33#
    back extension (we all did supermen on the floor)
    wb shots-- I did 10#, but rx 14#
    burpees (I have improved this summer, but I still have a long ways to go. A girl yelled at me the whole time and it was super helpful. Seriously, I needed it!)
    double unders, but I can't do them so I did 150 regular skips

    Ah man! Crazy! I watched some of the XF games this weekend. It was super inspirational! Deborah C. Carson was my trainer during part of June and she got 13th overall in the women's division. She also received the spirit of the XF Games award. She rocked the Elizabeth in the finals. So amazing!!!

    Well, I hope you are all doing well!
    Take care,

  9. Hi guys,
    I had a great day of lifting, followed by running around Lake of the Isles.
    Back squat: 113 (PR)
    S. O. Press: 53 (PR)
    Dead lift: 173 (PR)

  10. See you all back in Delhi!! Hope you are having a great last few weeks of summer!!

