Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Remote Training for Faculty Athletes #2

PART 1. 3 rounds of (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups)
PART 2. 3 rounds of (1:30 run + 1:30 stepups)

Coaching comments: 
  • In PART 1, sub for pullups as needed.  Find some straps and simulate ring rows, or try jumping pullups (Note:  We don't recommend the "negatives" he shows here at 1:20, since the slow lowering is an eccentric contraction that can make you super sore; instead, just drop back down.)
  • The PART 2 run should be as fast as possible. Could be on a treadmill, or an out-and-back if running outside.
  • Try to minimize the transition time between running and step-ups.
  • The step-ups should be STEADY. This is where you will recover from the run (while still doing work).  Be sure to switch lead legs so that you're not stepping up with the same leg on every rep.
  • We will try to PROGRESS from here weekly by adding weight on the step-ups. You could hold weights in hands at your sides or wear a backpack loaded with water bottles or kitty litter.


  1. I'm back to working out and am ready to post. I have access to a full gym with a great free weight section so am running the regular program. Today was really the first day back to working. Happy to be doing it again!

    I did...hang power cleans 3x5x65 lbs.
    Dead lift 3x5x75 lbs. with no pain at all in my back!
    Bench press 3x5x65 lbs.
    Turkish getups 3x10 lbs. but it was really too light.

    Our Met-Con was the shuttle run 40 seconds work and a minute rest and I did 8 rounds and did 4 laps each round except the second round I ran 5.

    Ahmed is working too, but he has a weight lifting class so isn't lifting with me. I will post again on Friday. Hope everyone is having a great week!

  2. I did the remote training again and added a 25 lb plate while doing the step ups. Felt great!
