Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Welcome Back! Dumbbell Complex

Warm-up and Skill Work
Introducing the Split Jerk.  This is the end of the overhead progression:
Press > Push Press > Push Jerk > Split Jerk
There's no better way to put a heavy load overhead.

Two options . . .
A.  Find the weight where you will resume your linear progressions.  Start light.  Focus on form.  Do 3 to 4 sets, adding weight to the bar each set.  If the bar speed slows, you're too heavy.  Strive for a weight that is difficult, but doable.  Wherever you stop is where you should begin with 3 x 5's next time.
B.  Look at the weight you were using for 3 x 5's before break, and begin a new cycle of 3 x 5's beginning with 80-90% of that weight.

Interlude: Barbell Rows
Introducing the Barbell Row.  This is a classic pulling movement.  Bend slightly at the knees, but mostly at the hips.  You want your back nearly horizontal.  Keep a tight lumbar curve.  Don't let your back round.

There are two advantages of the barbell row over the dumbbell version: 1) you can use more weight, 2) you can adjust the weight more finely.

DB complex, 6 reps each of...
hang power clean
front squat
push press
sit ups
push ups

3 rounds.  Work briskly, but not frantically.  There is NO CLOCK on this effort.  Try to increase weight used each round.

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