Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Extra Credit

Editor's note for random visitors to our blog:
This is NOT one of our athletes.
We would not allow such form.
It is neither efficient nor safe.

Let's play a new game, starting with an easy question:  What is the most important thing this athlete must do to improve his deadlift technique (and avoid serious injury)? 

Post answers to comments.

Source:  http://crossfitoneworld.com/


  1. The lifter should remember to flatten his back and arch it so that he leads the lift with his butt and thighs rather than back and shoulders.

  2. His entire back is rounded, which could result in an injury. As Robyn said, he needs to engage his lower back in an arch and to create a big chest to achieve proper form. I like this sort of spot-the-form-issue with pictures.
