Monday, May 28, 2012

Shuttle Sprints

After today's strength training session,

8 rounds of . . .
  • 40-second shuttle sprints (25m lengths)
  • 60 seconds rest
Compare to last week.  Post results to comments.


  1. R and M got 6 lengths each round, though honestely a couple rounds might've actually been more like 5.75 lengths....

    It was good for us to do this with you guys! We knew you were working hard, but this made us feel just HOW HARD you've been pushing it every morning. Be proud of yourselves for how far you've come in strength and conditioning this semester!


  2. I got 4 lengths each round. I was proud that I held a steady 4 each round, although the last 2 were 4.75 since we're being all honest and stuff. :)

  3. The first three rounds I got 5.5, but for the remainder were just less than that. Still feeling it today!
